Monday, May 19, 2008

Sync contact info between Open Contacts, PDA, smart phones and Web applications

The SyncML Client for Open Contacts is for synchronizing contact info
between Open Contacts and a SyncML server which collaborates
synchronizations between different devices such as smart phone, PDA,
computer programs and Web-base address books like Yahoo Mail, Gmail
and Facebook etc.

The recommended SyncML server is Funambol, which can be installed in
a PC, a LAN server, or a Web server. In addition, there are variety of
SyncML web sites based on Funambol as listed in the Resources.

According to your own privacy policy, you may decide to use either a
locally hosted Funambol server, or a public SyncML Web service.

SyncML Client for Open Contacts is distributed as FREEWARE.

So many options

While Open Contacts is an advanced address book program, we don't want too many feature flooding the GUI and confusing you. Obviously not all users need all features, we tried out best to keep balance.

If you check Chronicles of Open Contacts, you will find the GUI remain very much the same from early versions, and has even become simpler. Most of the new features are optional. It is these options that make the use of Open Contacts enjoyable to a diverse range of people.